Friday, May 31, 2019

Educating Rita Essay -- Educating Rita Humor Social Class Essays

Educating RitaEducating Rita is a humorous play giving out a real(prenominal) strong message,which is telling the reader to never give up in life and keep strivingfor what you argon aiming for. In this play we have a 26 year old womancalled Rita whom is a mature woman, seeking an education, as shedidnt take the opportunity to learn when she was an amateur student,because of the environment she lived in and the fact she didnt wantto learn due to her popularity and her working class culture.In reflection, Rita has come to historicalise how the law expectationssurrounding her and her working class culture held her back from herreal potential. She wants to change now and break this cycle. Frank,the other main character, is a teacher at the university where she hasapplied to do her course. He is around his 50s and is Ritas tutor.He is a inert man, bored and frustrated by his life he too does nonfeel like he belongs anywhere. Frank does not like his job very much,he does not have any respect for himself at all.The play is staged in one room and only 2 people are taking the majorrole in the play. This is quite unusual for a play this long.Throughout the play, there are only two characters this is known as atwo-hander. Other characters are only mentioned in the play, but inthe film have been cast as parts. It worked well for the film, but I recall it lost the closeness which plays such an important part in thetheatre. Some people would find this to be tedious, but I intend itadds to the intensity and matter between the audience and thecharacters.Frank is a very important to Ritas transformation. The relation shipbetween frank and Rita at the beginning of the play is not strong,Frank doesnt re... to take ten years off you,it looked like rita was going to kiss Frank but she goes to him, gesout a scissor and starts cutting up his hair, this is one of thehumerous parts. This would symbolise another chance for Frank andRita, a new life for the both of them.I think this play is one of the best plays I have ever read. At tebeginning, I had found out that this play only contained 2 characters,this made me think that this play would be not very interesting, but Iwas surprised. This had an excellent storyline which gave out strongmessages which is basically not to give up in life, for example Ritahad sacrificed a lot for her edcucation, this showed how dedicated shewas. This play is presented in different styles, like sometimes thisplay can be humerous but most of the time it is serious. I think thisway, keeps the reader interested.

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